ESG Book Club
What we are reading – a selection of thought provoking books from yesterday and today focused on ESG issues
The Silent Spring
Rachel Carson
Carson’s seminal book, exposing the hazards of the pesticide DDT, helped set the stage for the environmental movement.
Publication date: 9/27/1962
Speed and Scale
John Doer & Ryan Panchadsaram
An action plan, written by the venture capitalist & chair of Kleiner Perkins, on how to achieve net zero by 2050 (and get halfway there in the next decade).
Publication date: 11/9/2021
The Unsustainable Truth: How Investing for the Future is Destroying the Planet and What to Do About It
David Ko & Richard Busellato
A thought provoking book by two former investment managers on how the push for economic growth endangers our planet – and what to do about it.
Publication date: 11/15/2021