General ESG Guidelines
Below are sample general ESG policies/guidelines:
CalSTRS ESG Policy for Mitigating ESG Risk
California pension fund’s policy for mitigating ESG risk
AP1-AP4 Shared Guidelines for Sustainability Reporting Goals
General guidelines for sustainability reporting by Sweden’s four pension funds
AP1-AP4 Shared Guidelines for What Assets not to Invest in
General guidelines for what Sweden’s four pension funds should not invest in
AP2 Corporate Governance Policy
The corporate governance policy for one of Sweden’s four pension funds
AP2 Exclusions and Divestments
A discussion of the exclusion and divestment practices by one of Sweden’s four pension funds
AP Funds’ Common Indicators for Reporting on Carbon Footprint
Guidelines for how Sweden’s pension funds calculate their carbon footprint
NYC Comptroller April 2023 Climate Action Plan
Outlining the New York City pension funds' goal to achieve a net-zero investment portfolio by 2040, with implementation plans to reduce carbon emissions