Firms looking to promote sustainable finance may face headwinds from two opposite directions. On the one hand, although numerous government agencies (in the United States, European Union, and elsewhere) are encouraging firms to consider environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) factors, these regulators are also bringing enforcement actions for alleged greenwashing – which can deter firms looking to get into the ESG space. At the same time, several states in the U.S. are pursuing regulations and threatening actions to discourage what they claim is “woke” investing.
Our distinguished panel of legal experts from the U.S. and Europe discuss these developments and explore ways for finance firms to pursue ESG, while mitigating their regulatory risk.
Lance Dial, Partner, Morgan Lewis (Boston)
Jindrich Kloub, Partner, Wilson Sonsini (Brussels)
Raymond Marshall, Of Counsel, Shepard Mullin (San Francisco)
Howard Fischer: Partner, Moses Singer (New York)
Manju Seal: BMO’s Former Head of Sustainable Finance & Capital Markets ESG Lead (New York)
Adam Wasserman: Executive Director, Finpublica & Managing Member, August Way Law & Consulting (New York)