Organizations, Goals, and Commitments
CCAF: The Center for Climate Aligned Finance
CDP: The Carbon Disclosure Project
CDSB: The Climate Disclosure Standards Board
GFANZ: Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero
GISDA: Global Investors for Sustainable Development Alliance
GRI: The Global Reporting Initiative
IFRS: International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation
IPPC: UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IIRC: The International Integrated Reporting Council
ISSB: International Sustainability Standards Board
NZBA: UN-Convened Net Zero Banking Alliance
NZIA: UN-Convened Net Zero Insurance Alliance
PRI (or UNPRI): UN Principles for Responsible Investment
SASB: Sustainability Accounting Standards Board
SBTi: The Science Based Targets Initiative
SDG (or UNSG): The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
TCFD: The Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures
UNFCCC: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNGC: The United Nations Global Compact
UNPRB: The UN Principles for Responsible Banking
VRF: The Value Reporting Foundation
WEF: World Economic Forum