Sample ESG Disclosures

Below are examples of various ESG disclosures:

AXA Climate Report: Renewed Action in a Time of Crisis (2020) (discussing AXA’s climate strategy and providing TCFD guidance on governance; strategy, metrics, and targets; and risk management)

Bank of England: Climate-Related Financial Disclosure Report (2019-2020) (TCFD-aligned report describing how the Bank is managing climate change risks to the UK financial system, conducting stress tests, and emphasizing the importance of collaboration among financial institutions and policymakers)

CalPERS: Climate Change Risk Management in Investments (June 2020) (TCFD-aligned report describing how CalPERS is managing climate change risks and opportunities, reducing carbon emissions, investing in low-carbon technologies, and promoting sustainable practices among invested companies)

Government Pension Investment Fund of Japan: Climate Change Impact on Investments (FY 2019) (TCFD-aligned report discussing how climate change could significantly impact the fund's returns, with risks increasing over time, and outlining steps taken to address these risks)