The Integrated Reporting <IR> Framework
The Value Reporting Foundation and the International Integrated Reporting Framework Board have established an International Integrated Reporting Framework (the <IR> Framework whose purpose “is to establish Guiding Principles and Content Elements that govern the overall content of an integrated report and to explain the fundamental concepts that underpin them.” The <IR> Framework, which focuses on a broad set of issues beyond sustainability, takes a principles-based approach and does not seek to require “specific key performance indicators, measurement methods or the disclosure of individual matters.” But, reporting under the <IR> framework will generally discuss:
“the external environment that affects an organization;”
the resources and the relationships used and affected by the organization” (“the capitals”); and
“how the organization interacts with the external environment and the capitals to create, preserve or erode value over the short, medium and long term.”
Specifically, an Integrated Report addresses eight content elements:
Organizational overview and external environment
Business model
Risks and opportunities
Strategy and resource allocation
Basis of preparation and presentation
The Values Reporting Foundation publishes sample reports that have been recognized for their leading practice.